Team Run4PRs Coaching

Traveling To Fall Races


While this year is quite different with the COVID-19 pandemic, we do know some athletes are still traveling to races! Whether you are traveling this year or another year, we hope these tips are helpful to you! Traveling to a race can be stressful and we want to help ease those nerves 😃

🍽GET DINNER RESERVATIONS/PLAN YOUR MEALS: Whether you have dietary restrictions or just specific food preferences, figure out where you want to eat and get that reservation! Order food that is familiar to you. You will save yourself a lot of trouble if you plan this ahead of time. Some runners will pack all of their own food and eat what they are used to. Whatever it is, plan ahead of time

🏨BOOK YOUR HOTEL EARLY: Whether you are doing a big race in the next few years or a smaller race in a small town this year (more typical right now), do your research on hotels early to figure out what will be best for your situation

🥤STAY HYDRATED: It is really easy to forget proper hydration while traveling. It can be annoying to constantly go to the bathroom while traveling, but make sure you keep with your usual hydration routine, sip throughout the day, and don’t overdo it! If you use electrolytes tabs or powder, pack them in your bag

🧳PACK FOR ANY WEATHER: You just never know. It’s not just about temperature but wind, rain, direct sun as well. Gloves, arm sleeves, hats, sunglasses, sunscreen, light jacket. Err on the side of caution and bring more layers just in case! You can certainly go out and buy extra things,  but it is nice to just have it packed to take that possibility off your plate

🦶STAY OFF YOUR FEET: This can be hard when you are in a new city and want to do some exploring. Do your best to save that for after the race and rest in your hotel room instead

😷THIS YEAR IN PARTICULAR— STAY SAFE: Take precautions while traveling and racing. Wear your mask, social distance, and use proper hygiene!

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